Why Work With Us?

It’s a good question because there are many companies offering coaching. The challenge for you is that at the outset, what you are buying is intangible. It’s not like buying cereal or toothpaste. You enter into a coaching relationship before the services you are buying are produced. So how do you decide between one coaching company and another? How do you decide if there is a match between your needs and what we provide? 

There is a baseline of what you should expect from us or any other coaching company: quality service; appropriate methods, tools and approaches; competence and expertise; service responsiveness; appropriate credentials; testimonials and references. These are what we provide, but they are not the things that differentiate us from any other quality company.

Here’s why we think you should work with us:

  • Experts, not jack-of-all-trades

    If you need your house re-wiring you call an electrician, not a generalist. If you want expert coaching this is what we do.

  • One size does not fit all 
    We work from a basis of original, insightful and independent thinking, not the latest management fad or preconceived models or solutions. It is our belief that one size does not fit all. Our training in structural consulting and the creative process allows us to work with you in a way that provides original insight and ideas.

  • Getting beyond superficiality
    Many coaches work in a superficial way with symptoms and presenting issues. Our expertise allows us to get below the surface to find out what’s really going on; to discover the factors giving rise to the organizational and individual behaviour that we see.

  • Finding the leverage points
    We work with you to find the leverage points where minimal effort gets big results and big impact. In every situation there are forces in play - the structural dynamic. Working against these forces is like swimming against the current. Understanding and aligning with these forces dramatically increases your chances of success.

  • Clearly defined objectives and outcomes
    You gain clarity about what changes you want to make and what you want to achieve. We help you do this with speed and precision. This is not simply a process of creating action plans. It’s about clearly defining desired end results, getting solidly in touch with reality and working on obstacles that impede your progress. It’s about creating a structure that gives you the impetus to go towards what you want and not give up when the going gets tough.

  • Challenge and honesty
    We have the expertise and the courage to challenge your thinking with the sort of radical honesty that you are unlikely to get inside your own organization. This allows you to get unbiased feedback and to base your development on reality rather than guesswork.

To find out if there is a match between your needs and how we work, it’s better to meet face to face.

To arrange an initial meeting, please contact us.